Fotourlaub Andalusien - individuell und exklusiv
Fotoerlebnis Andalusien – Individuell & Exklusiv
Neu ab 2025: Entdecke Andalusien durch deine Linse!
Fotoreisen waren gestern – bei Fotoerlebnis Andalusien geht es um individuelle Fotoworkshops, maßgeschneidert für 1 bis 4 Personen. Egal ob Anfänger oder erfahrene Fotograf:innen, hier findest du die perfekte Kombination aus Fotografie, Natur und Kultur.
Warum Fotoerlebnis Andalusien?
Individuelle Betreuung in kleinen Gruppen (1-4 Personen)
Einzigartige Fotospots in der Provinz Málaga
Maßgeschneiderte Workshops nach deinen Interessen
Praxisnahe Tipps & professionelle Anleitung durch Eric Berger
Workshops auf Deutsch oder Englisch
Ausgangspunkt: Casa the Espana, Cómpeta
Eine charmante Unterkunft mit atemberaubendem Blick auf die andalusische Landschaft. Hier starten unsere exklusiven Fotoabenteuer in eine Region voller Farben, Kontraste und einzigartiger Lichtstimmungen. Hausmiete/Unterkunft ist extra zu bestellen.
Themen & Inhalte:
Landschafts- und Naturfotografie
Street Photography in weißen Dörfern & Märkten
Architekturfotografie & mediterrane Farbenwelten
Nacht- & Langzeitbelichtung
Bildkomposition & kreative Perspektiven
Smart Phone Photography
Analoge Fotografie
Portrait und Modefotografie
Preise & Buchung:
Ab 250,- Euro pro Person
Flexible Termine, individuelle Planung
Mehr Infos & Buchung unter:
Erlebe Andalusien durch die Linse deiner Kamera – einzigartig, intensiv, unvergesslich!
Photo Experience Andalusia – Individual & Exclusive
New in 2025: Discover Andalusia through your lens!
Photo tours were yesterday – Photo Experience Andalusia is about individual photo workshops, tailor-made for 1 to 4 people. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced photographer, here you will find the perfect combination of photography, nature and culture.
Why Andalusia Photo Experience?
Individual attention in small groups (1-4 persons)
Unique photo spots in the province of Málaga
Tailor-made workshops according to your interests
Practical tips & professional guidance by Eric Berger
Workshops in German or English
Starting point: Casa the Espana, Cómpeta
A charming accommodation with breathtaking views of the Andalusian landscape. This is where our exclusive photo adventures begin, in a region full of colours, contrasts and unique light moods. House rental/accommodation is to be ordered separately.
Topics & contents:
Landscape and nature photography
Street photography in white villages & markets
Architectural photography & Mediterranean colour worlds
Night & long exposure
Image composition & creative perspectives
smartphone photography
analogue photography
portrait and fashion photography
photo experiment
Prices & Booking:
From €250 per person
Flexible dates, individual planning
More information and booking at:
Experience Andalusia through the lens of your camera – unique, intense, unforgettable!
📸 New in 2025: Photo Experience Andalusia – Individual & Exclusive! 🌅
Photo trips were yesterday – now comes your tailor-made photo experience in Andalusia! 🎯✨
📍 Individual photo workshops for 1-4 people
📍 Unique photo spots in the province of Málaga
📍 Guided by professional photographer Eric Berger
📍 German or English – as you wish
📍 Starting point: Casa the Espana, Cómpeta
Whether landscape, street or architecture photography – discover the most beautiful motifs in Andalusia through your lens! 📷💛
💰 From 250 euros
📅 Flexible appointments
🌍 More information and booking:
Let yourself be inspired and capture magical moments! ✨ #PhotoExperienceAndalusia #Photography #Andalusia #PhotoWorkshop #Travel #EricBerger